With the kids back in school, you finally have the house all to yourself again. Now that you’re not spending all of your time chauffeuring your kids to summer camp, the pool, and sleepovers, it’s time to tackle those home improvement projects that you’ve been putting off all summer.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started repairing your home and amping up your curb appeal! Here are 5 home improvement projects that you can finish during the back-to-school season, while the kids are away at school:

  1. Install gutter guards. As we come into the fall season, protecting your gutters from becoming clogged with leaves, roofing granules, twigs, and debris is vital to proper gutter care. In addition to interfering with the proper drainage, the buildup of these materials can lead to the shifting of your gutters, which may result in water runoff  leaking into your home. You will want to set up your gutter guards before fall rolls around,the leaves start changing color and falling off the trees en masse.

  2. Seal the cracks and gaps on the exterior of your home with caulk. Stop letting the precious A/C or heat that you pay for escape from your home. Insulate your home by applying caulk into the little openings that you find on the outside of your home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, caulking is a cost-effective way to decrease cooling and heating costs and promote a healthier environment in your home.

  3. Fix the cracks in your driveway and walkways. Did you know that the cold weather can actually expand the cracks in your driveway and walkways of your home? Prevent this from happening this winter by being proactive now. Seal the cracks in your concrete or asphalt by calling a home improvement contractor.

  4. Repair your roof.  Take the time to insulate your roof now while the weather’s still nice out to so that you won’t be stuck with a drafty home when the temperature drops during the fall and winter. Remember to give your roof the proper tune-up it deserves with caulking and sealing of all the vents, flashings, and nail holes, along with the tightening of loose shingles. Don’t forget to also have loose shingles tightened, and exposed nail heads and broken seams on your roof fixed. Taking the time to repair your roof before the cold weather hits will drastically extend the life of your roof so that you get to enjoy the full value of your roof!

  5. Pressure wash the exterior of your home. By maintaining the cleanliness of your home’s exterior, you can help prevent the premature aging of your home. If you are planning on pressure washing your home by yourself, remember to be extremely careful because using the machine incorrectly can result in serious injury. The pressure of the water can be so high that it penetrates through your skin, so when in doubt, consult a professional!

From our team at AROCON Roofing and Construction, have a fabulous back-to-school season, and remember, if you need any home improvement help, we are here for you and your home!